Whois lookup tool gives you the ability to search the current registration data for domain names. Whois search results data are shown to help users who obtain the information about any domain name registration records.

Whois Lookup

Check a domain name's availability

If you want to know the availability of a domain name, simply type the name into Codegyan's WHOIS search field and we'll let you know if the domain is available, or not. whois lookup

Learn when a domain will expire

If you want to buy a domain, knowing when it expires is helpful. As the date approaches the owner may want to sell, or better yet, let it expire — and you're right there to scoop it up. whois lookup website

Find a domain owner

Whether you want to buy a domain or learn who owns it, use our WHOIS search field. Enter the domain name and you'll get key info, including availability, ownership, creation, and expiration. whois lookup tool